TV, iPads, worksheets, textbooks or the best lecture in the world won't do it either. Sorry to say it, but if teaching continues as it often has, student learning will continue on the same trend it always has as well. Because it isn't what teachers know, what a book has on its pages, or even what is shared via an amazing video or podcast. It is what the learner does with the information that matters. Do they just hear it? Do they just write it down on a worksheet? Do they just read it? If the student doesn't interact with the learning, if the students doesn't take it and use it, use it incorrectly, and then use it again, it probably won't stick. The more they interact with it, the deeper they learn from it, the better they understand it. It's a long and arduous journey. Just ask Thomas Edison, the Wright Brothers, Bill Gates or Steve Jobs.
So I know that some teachers have begun to worry that they will be replaced by technology tools, or websites, or who knows what in the future, but I don't think they are going anywhere. But if we really want to make a difference, then there may be some things we can change to make a bigger impact. I can't think of a better argument for hands on authentic tasks, Project Based Learning, and the maker movement, than the simple truth outlined in the video. If we want to prepare kids for the real world and the changing economy and job market our students will face, then we need to change the way we have always done things, and take some risks that say it's not about standardized tests, its about learning by doing.
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